It’s been weeks, months and maybe even years … you’ve finally decided it’s time to get in shape, lose some body fat and get into a regular exercise and healthy eating routine. You’re sick and tired of feeling unconfident in how you look, being embarrassed to take your shirt off in public, having low energy and not looking your best in dress clothes.

So what is your next step?

Step 1:

Let’s plan your next meal. Yes, your very next meal. We aren’t going to wait until Monday to get started. We start today! That is if you’re serious about transforming your life.  It doesn’t matter what time of day it is or where you’re located. There is always a better or worse choice for food. We need to get the process started NOW to break the cycle. Think about what options are available for your next meal. Look for a lean protein source, unprocessed carb like rice or potato, quinoa, Figure out which option is the least processed and most nutritious. Drink water with this next meal. This is how you need to think going forward about all of your meals. Plan ahead, decide on the healthier options and drink water with every meal.  Better quality food means less toxins in your belly fat stores. Less toxins stored in your fat means the fat loss process can happen faster and more easily. This will take some practice so let’s get those reps in. 

Step 2:

Next we plan your workout for tomorrow. “Tomorrow??!!” you might say. “But I’m booked up tomorrow”, “I’m swamped” or “I’m on a business trip”. You can always find time to workout. Even if it’s 5 minutes of bodyweight squats, push-ups and Jumping jacks in your house or hotel room before you leave for the day. Let’s be honest ,  everyone can find 5 minutes to exercise. That’s even 1 minute faster than 6 minute abs, so I’m already saving you time.  It doesn’t matter so much what you do for this workout. The important thing is to get the process started and break your old habits. You will feel accomplished once you complete this first workout and will be motivated to do more. 

Step 3:

The final step to getting yourself started on your transformation is to make a weekly schedule for yourself. Just like you plan out your business week. We need to create a vision for you so you know, in advance,  what you are doing each day of the week. This will help you stay consistent because there is no guessing on time wasted thinking about what you feel like doing that day in regard to food or workouts. 

Goals to set (It’s very important that you complete these questions):

1) How many days per week will you commit to exercise?

2) Will you commit to making 80% of your meals healthy?

3) What are your top 2 health/ fitness goals in order of priority?



Once you’ve filled these questions out it’s time to get started!

If you’re ready to take charge of your fitness and need guidance, schedule a call with me and let’s discuss strategies to get you on track.

Until next time, Be Relentless! 


Christian agreed to help teach me in the most effective way possible: First hand experience! Over the course of one summer, I followed a meal plan prepared by Christian down to the letter, and I can say, without a hint of exaggeration, that it changed the way I view diet forever.
Read the full testimonial>

Kees Noach

I engaged Christian for help with a nutrition plan to maximize performance and manage my weight class for a USAPL meet. Christian took a holistic approach to reviewing my training schedule and programming, my daily life schedule, and food preferences to put together a flexible but rigorous plan to put on quality muscle mass for the meet.
Read the full testimonial>

William Cudney