Read what others have to say about Relentless Fitness & Nutrition

Client Testimonials

Read what others have to say about Relentless Fitness & Nutrition



Testimonial From Kees Noach:

I initially met Christian Palmer when I began working at Equinox as a personal trainer.
We quickly struck up a strong friendship, and later, when I expressed an interest in learning about nutrition as it pertains to athletic performance, Christian agreed to help teach me in the most effective way possible: First hand experience! Over the course of one summer, I followed a meal plan prepared by Christian down to the letter, and I can say, without a hint of exaggeration, that it changed the way I view diet forever.

The results I saw in my own body were as dramatic as they were fast-paced. My body fat percentage dropped into the single digits without incorporating ANY cardio whatsoever. My lifts actually went up while I continued losing fat. I had more energy throughout my day. I even FELT sharper, and more full. I know it sounds difficult to believe, but I’m not remotely exaggerating any of these things. It was really that effective. I was genuinely shocked.

Prior to following one of Christian’s meal plans, I knew that a squared away diet made up anywhere from 70-80% of your results in the gym. Afterwards? I understood what those figures really meant. So those are the results that anybody who works hard in the gym and follows his meal plan to the letter can expect.

Let’s talk a bit about customer service.

Christian is as thorough, professional, warm and knowledgeable a person as I’ve known. He is outstanding in his treatment of his clients. Whether you’re an experienced lifter looking to tune up your diet for high performance, or a beginner trainee who doesn’t have the faintest notion of where to start, Christian has the experience and skill set to meet you where you are, and take you where you want to go. When it comes to nutrition, I would (and often have!) sent friends, family and even my own clients to Christian for meal planning. He’s just that good. Needless to say, if you’re on the fence, I strongly recommend reaching out to speak with Christian for a consultation. As his colleague, his client and his friend, I cannot recommend him highly enough.

Testimonial From Sandra Sepkowski:

I met Christian while working as a personal trainer at Equinox. I wasn’t a trainer for long before switching careers, but continued to focus on my own training and nutrition. When I found myself lost when it came to what I should be eating for how active of a lifestyle I live, Christian was the first person I turned to.

In just a few months, I dropped a significant amount of body fat and was the leanest yet strongest I’ve ever been. I’ve recommended him to many of my friends! He is dedicated, caring, and always willing to help however he can. Working with him will 100% allow you to achieve any goal you have in mind.

Testimonial From William Cudney

Christian was recommended to me by my powerlifting coach as an expert in training and nutrition. I engaged Christian for help with a nutrition plan to maximize performance and manage my weight class for a USAPL meet. Christian took a holistic approach to reviewing my training schedule and programming, my daily life schedule, and food preferences to put together a flexible but rigorous plan to put on quality muscle mass for the meet. I was really happy with the plan itself and Christian’s commitment to ongoing tracking of results — both weight and body composition. I hit my weight class target and had my best powerlifting performance to date.

It is clear that Christian has the background in nutrition science necessary for a great bodybuilder, but he is also brutally strong and understands programming across all strength sports. I would recommend Christian to anyone looking to maximize nutrition or training for bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, or any other high-performance sport.

Testimonial From Chris Martino

My name is Chris Martino and I met Christian in 2007/2008 because we were classmates in college and coincidentally worked at the same outdoor mall. I ended up running into him again at my first bodybuilding competition 2 years ago. Although it had been many years since we last saw each other, he helped me along the way that day as if no time had gone by. Christian is one of the friendliest and helpful people I know.

This past year in preparation for another contest I turned to Christian. With his meticulous months of nutrition coaching, I was able to reach my peak physique. He took the time to explain the fine details and answer each and every question I had about the nutrition plans. It’s easy to see his passion for physical fitness and healthy living in just one conversation with him. I would definitely recommend Christian to anyone seeking nutritional coaching/guidance.

Testimonial From Lauren Rones-Payne

Sometimes you need someone to jump start your healthy lifestyle. You need someone to break it down for you and keep it simple. That individual who genuinely cares about your success and is willing to invest the time in you. I needed a reboot, stress and working 12 hour days put me off course from living a healthy lifestyle. Christian became that someone who changed my path. He is invested 110% in your success to be healthier. He listens and reacts to what you need at that moment. Christian makes himself available throughout your journey to becoming healthy. I am eternally grateful to have found someone like Christian at this time in my life.




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Nutrition and Online Training



Ignite Your Fire

Relentless fitness and nutrition is owned and operated by men’s health specialist, nutritionist and certified personal trainer Christian Palmer. Christian offers elite one on one nutrition coaching and online training programs nationwide through our online platform.

Contact us now to discuss a custom tailored nutrition and / or fitness program to help you achieve your goals.

Copyright 2023 Relentless Fitness And Nutrition



Client Success Stories

Nutrition and Online Training




Ignite Your Fire


Relentless fitness and nutrition is owned and operated by men’s health specialist, nutritionist and certified personal trainer Christian Palmer. Christian offers elite one on one nutrition coaching and online training programs nationwide through our online platform.

Contact us now to discuss a custom tailored nutrition and / or fitness program to help you achieve your goals.

Copyright 2023 Relentless Fitness And Nutrition